Politech, Lead Data Scientist/Software Engineer
Lead Data Scientist/Software Engineer November 2023 - Present
Lead Data Scientist November 2021 - November 2023
- Developed and refactored reporting for the Blocks web app; principally used Elixir/Ecto
- Contributed new features and maintained existing features for the Blocks web app. Worked mainly on the back-end, but also contributed to the front-end.
- Managed and updated geopolitical database with spatial data to reflect redistricting
- Created and maintained district matching API
- Integrated district and voter-file matching APIs into Blocks web app
- Created R package for interacting with our systems to clean, process, and prepare our data for analysis
YouGov, Senior Data Scientist
Senior Data Scientist April 2019 - November 2021
Data Scientist September 2017 - March 2019
- Created models, analysis, and data visualizations in R with tools including tidyverse, broom, ggplot2, Shiny, and RMarkdown
- Built R and Python packages and a REST API using Python, github, and an Amazon API Gateway
- Leveraged spatial data in R using the sf package
- Managed survey projects with Innovations team and with YouGov Blue
- Created an inclusive gender question project where I worked with teammates to facilitate the adoption of an inclusive gender question
- Created, ran, and analyzed criminal justice reform/reimagining survey project
- Served as line manager for a full time direct report and managed seven contractors and three cycles of interns
- Coordinated projects with teams in different countries
- Programmed surveys; cleaned, weighted and delivered survey data
- Managed 2020, 2018, and 2016 Election Data Projects; Scraped election night data
- After leaving YouGov, I continued to volunteer on inclusive gender question project that I started early in my career
The Ghana Center For Democratic Development, Research Intern
Summer 2016
- Performed data analysis on Ghananian pre-election survey
- Assisted with projects centered around local politics
Stanford University, Research Assistant
Summer 2015
- Worked under Professor Lisa Blaydes on her project “Inside Iraqi Authoritarianism”
- Conducted research on the robustness of Saddam Hussein’s regime in the period following the First Gulf War
- Performed various data manipulation and data analysis related tasks using R and mapped quantitative data using ArcMap
Global Integrity, Intern
Summer 2014
- Conducted research on governance and health
- Helped to coordinate a conference on women’s political participation
- Generated sales leads for Global Integrity’s Indaba research platform
Stanford University
Class of 2017
- B.A.H. Political Science, Research Honors Track
- Member of Pi Sigma Alpha Honors Society
- GPA 3.78/4.00
- Senior Honors Thesis: “Why Democracy Fails?” Explores the effects of election timing and electoral systems choice on the stability of a democratic system.
- Coursework on topics: Comparative Politics, Political Institutions, Political Behavior, Research Design, Machine Learning, Data Science, Programming Abstractions, State Building and Development, Democracy, International Relations, Middle Eastern, African, and Latin American Politics and History
- Studied abroad in Cape Town, South Africa
- Proficient in R, Python, Elixir, Ecto, PostrgreSQL, Github, the tidyverse, pandas, shiny applications, sf, ggplot2, RMarkdown, and Javascript
- Proficient with data management, data cleaning, data dashboards, data analysis, machine learning, data visualization, web-scraping, pdf scraping, reporting, software engineering, and full stack development
- Experienced with spatial data, census data, and voter-file data
- Experienced with HTML, Ruby, CSS, C++, C, Java, Octave, and QGIS
- Experienced with AWS tools, creating APIs and interacting with databases
KEEN, Coach
2022 - Present
- Coached athletes with disabilities in basketball, tennis, swimming and dance
Polygence, Mentor
- Mentored a high school project as they worked on a data driven research project
Data Kind, DataDive Volunteer
September 2021 and December 2022
- Created an interactive map to visualize house loss in Miami-Dade County
- Cleaned spatial data and created an interactive map to visualize food prices in Kenya on a project for Save The Children
Saratoga Federated Church, Buddy
2007 - 2019
- Buddy for neurodiverse children and young adults among other roles
Kids With Dreams, Vice President, Founder KWD Basketball Program
2013 - 2017
- Vice President and Board Member of club facilitating programs for neurodiverse people and people with disabilities
- Founder and President of KWD Basketball Program
- Buddy for neurodiverse adults
Men and Youth Teaching Each Other, Mentor
2014 - 2015
- Mentor for middle school boys
Night to Shine, Volunteer
2016 - 2019
- Volunteer at four annual proms put on for neurodiverse young adults.